Domino Effect!
We have all played with domino and we know what happens when one domino fell.. All the other domino fell one after another. Such game also applies in life. You will realise that our life is also like domino. If one good or bad domino fell, other one fell after another. Each thing in our life is interconnected and effect on one leads to effect on all.
The reason why there are so many self-help book, concept, philosophies and studies is because they all talk about balancing your domino in such a way that fall of one doesn’t lead to fall of another one. To explain the logic, let’s take an example. Mr. X is working in corporate firm and living with wife and parents. One fine day, he got a real bad shouting from office due to some mistake in work. This shouting lead to frustration and anger in Mr. X this means one domino fell. He brings this at home and when his wife ask or tell him something, he gets angry at his wife. Another domino fell. Wife is taken back by such anger and shout back in anger which leads to huge fight between them. 3rd domino fell. This fight is heard by parents and they come to rescue. Since both of them were very angry, they don’t listen to parents and tell them to keep out of it. Again, this lead to hurting parents. 4th domino fell. Next day when Mr. X goes to work, due to bad yesterday, his morning is ruined and he still hold grudge for yesterday’s comment. Leading to bad day at work. 5th domino fell and so on and so forth.
One bad comment got transferred to situation after situation in the end, ruining the peace of Mr. X. Now question comes, whom to blame for such disaster? Was it because boss shouted or Mr. X’s mistake ? Or was it because wife answered back or Mr. X’s ager at wife? It’s difficult to judge where who went wrong. Everyone from their perspective defend different people but root cause will not be known. Every stage, Mr. X or people around him has option to stop domino from falling but we are so busy or frustrated with our own life that we don’t realise when to be wise and when should we reply. Also keeping quite all the time will not help either of the party. The exact solution to this problem is not know but what we know is that of we see domino falling then we should just take measures to stop it.
Some simple lesson might help you saving those falling domino.
-Don’t bring your work at home. Keep office related tension, work, stress at office. Avoid taking it home with you.
-Pay attention to other person. You may not know but they might be going through hard time of theirs. If they are your loved ones, there is no harm in asking, “How is everything at your end?”
-Respect other person’s opinion. If boss is shouting or wife is reminding you something, there is no need to be angry about it. They might be saying it for your benefit only. Sometime our behaviour tells other more about our situation than our words.
-When angry or frustrated, try to calm your angry. Listen to music, count till 10 and reverse, close your eyes and just focus on breathing, write, sleep and so on. Develop your own strategy of calming your anger and use it whenever you get angry very fast.The
-Observe and study each and every domino of your life carefully. Everyone will have different things important in their life, know what are your main domino and try to keep it stand still. It can be family, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, career, work, hobby etc