Book Review, Motivational Book

Book Review: Tough Time Never Last, But Tough People Do

There was a time when I ended up reading self-help books one after another and this book was part of that phase. ‘Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do’ is a book by Robert H. Schullar. One of the motivational speaker and pastor in the USA, he is the founder of  Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California and helped many people cope up with the difficult times of their life. With his teaching and his own attitude towards life, he has come up with ways through which one can be tough enough to face those tough times and come out of it as achiever.

The book is for anyone with only 120 pages to read, it covers vast topics related to one’s life and focuses on scenarios like a recession in the job market, financial crises, losing making businesses and many more. He often shares his own experiences and problem for people to associate with it. He himself had gone through tough times and sharing those experiences give this book a personal touch. Some of his teaching is worth noting and not to forget implementing.

Obviously to know what are those, you will have to read the book. However, below are a few quotes from the book which I found apt towards  our attitude in life:

“Nobody is a total failure if he dares to try to do something worthwhile.” 

 “Never let a problem become an excuse.”

“Today’s decisions are tomorrow’s realities” 

“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” 

“You won’t win if you don’t begin!”

If you think you are not motivated enough to face tough times, read this book and you might feel like putting more energy in solving your problem. For me, this book was a good read, however, it didn’t leave its mark on me as some of the self help book I read in the past. Maybe too much of personal touch made it hard for me to follow or was it the phase of reading lots of self-help book jumbled the learnings. I am sure that during my tough times if I pick up this book again, it will help me gain my confidence back and also face the troubles and look for possibilities.

My advice: Too many self help books at a time is to be avoided. It neither helps nor it brings clarity.

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